Production with care
Intentionally made with care, both slowly and thoughtfully. These are our catchwords and what guides us through our sourcing, design and production processes.If there is anything that we can do for our planet, we think it is important that we do it. We believe we can all make a small difference, and this is something we think matters and will make a positive impact in the long run. We hope so at least.All our materials are chosen with care and sustainability in mind. We only work with natural materials or fabrics that have been used or left over from other production processes. We embrace a circular way of thinking when creating our world of interior design products.
Why we chose rattan
Rattan is not only beautiful. It is strong and sustainable. Rattan is a natural vine, a member of the palm family, and the particular type of rattan that is used to make our furniture can grow up to a hundred meters or more in length. It is considered to be a sustainable resource because when harvested, the roots are left in the ground, allowing the plant to simply regrow rather than the need for it to be replanted. Unlike timber, which takes many decades to regrow, rattan can replenish itself at the rate of several feet per day.Re used fabric
Our textile products give new life to already used or left over fabric - that, we are very proud of.We have set up a collaboration with a few different Swedish brands, among others Svanefors (, to work for a more circular chain of production. We create our mattresses, play mats and other textiles from their left over or used fabrics, also called dead stock. We believe that as little material as possible should be wasted – let’s make something beautiful out of it instead.
Our textile products are produced in Gothenburg, Sweden, by the lovely people at Tråd och Trade, an integration organisation that offer people from other countries working training while also practicing the Swedish language. All to welcome them in a better way to Sweden. To learn more about their important organisation and work, Fabrikörerna - visit: